Dynamic Positioning - Failure Simulation Tool
This interactive part of the website is about simulating failure cases of a Dynamic Positioning
System. As an example, calculations are performed for a given set of environmental loads,
on a given vessel with a class 2 DP System.
Brief specification of the DP system
In the table below a brief specification of the DP system is given. The first sketch is a schematic
representation of the thruster layout and the second sketch is used for static analysis.
Static Analysis
Thruster capacity
Having determined the required amount of thrust and
power, the DP configuration was optimized to meet these
This results in 2500 kW thrusters in locations 1, 2 and 3
and 3500 kW thrusters in locations 4, 5 and 6.
With all thrusters operational the situation looks as follows.
DP Failure Simulation Tool
The application to the right makes it
possible to plot a DP Rosette and
Utilization plot for the discussed
DP system. What makes it special,
is the fact that you can:
Switch thrusters on/off
Change thruster power
So that you can simulate
Thruster configurations
Different Failure Cases
Have a try!
Compare your results
with the fully operational
situation (look above)