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​​In the process of designing an offshore rocket launch platform, the risk and possible effects of approaching tsunamis should be assessed. Further on, the outcome of this assessment should be taken into account in its design, especially of its mooring system.

The following picture shows a map of the world in which so-called Tsunami Zones are indicated using yellow, orange and red markings. These colours represent different levels of probability for approaching tsunamis.

Description: World Map showing Tsunami Zones of the world



As can be seen in this picture, most oceanic coastlines that run along the equator have a significant probability of approaching tsunamis. Although this is definitely not to be neglected, the effects of a tsunami are most severe for coastal areas, since the tsunami’s height builds up to its maximum when getting to shallower water. Since the international waters in which the rocket launch platform will operate, are positioned so far from these coastal areas, the severity of an approaching tsunami is comparable to that of the maximum significant wave height. ??? Therefore there are no special needs in the mooring system design of the offshore rocket launch platform, due to the risk of tsunamis.


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Pictures and data based on the company Sealaunch

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